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Path in the Treetops, Beelitz
The October rays of sunlight paint the colorful leaves in a warm autumn glow. We see an unusual forest right in front of us. It has been growing on a vastly damaged building for more than 70 years. The trees on the rooftop are not as tall as trees growing in a regular forest would be at that age. But this is hardly surprising because the trees survive only on the soil that is carried to them by the wind and the nutrients available in the old construction material.

Path in the Treetops, Beelitz
The ruins and the forest can be seen from a path winding through the tree tops. At a length of 320 meters, the path extends to more than 20 meters. It is slightly above the ruins of the sanatorium and amidst hundreds of treetops. History meets nature – a very special atmosphere evolves.
Visitors can move along with the swinging tree tops in the wind because the steel construction vibrates slightly under their steps. Being free of giddiness helps – but the view compensates for any queasy feeling in the stomach area.

Ruins seen from the Treetop Path, Beelitz
The former Beelitzer Sanatory is a paradise for photographers on the lookout for old, dilapidated and enchanted places – in the sense of Lost Places. On the “adventure playground” for adults, several films were shot, and one or the other party attracted crowds of visitors enjoying that eerie atmosphere. The forest around the sanatory came to rather sad fame for three gruesome murders that had taken place some years ago.
The area spreads over more than 140 hectares and is home to over 60 buildings. During World War II many houses were heavily damaged and rebuilt only partially. Although they are historic buildings they could not be protected adequately against vandalism.
The Beelitzer Sanatory is about an hour drive southwest of Berlin. Apart from the sanatory, Beelitz is famous for its Brandenburg asparagus. In 2007 an investor has purchased the area and successfully implemented the treetop path. This additional attraction to Beelitz has opened in 2015.
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